About Jordan


I will be on sabbatical starting in April of 2024. Please check back soon!

Hi! I’m Jordan.

In addition to being a psychologist and school psychologist, I am a writer, mother, wife, sister, and daughter. I am also a lover of pasta, dancing, books, and dips in cold lakes.

I attended Tulane University (1999-2003) and The University of Montana (2009-2014.) After earning my PhD, I worked as a school psychologist in the Ronan and Whitefish School Districts and as a postdoctoral fellow and psychologist for Sweetgrass Psychological Services.

As a rural psychologist, I provide a variety of services to meet the needs of my community, including supervision, teaching, therapy, psychological evaluations, and consultation. I also love writing on a variety of topics! You can find my writing on Psychology Today and right here on my blog.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

— Mary Oliver, “The Summer Day”